

Coincidence or Islamophobia

CAIR America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization and Muslim civil rights group renew calls for official response to growing anti-Muslim bigotry.

Stealth Jihad and Creeping Sharia, truly racist terms

Lisa Miller writes in Newsweek describing the latest fad by anti-Islamists to promote their semantic assault by using terms such as 'stealth jihad' from the same group which presented "Islamofacism"

CNN: Armed Christian militia pulls support from Burn a Quran event

CNN reports that A Christian organization's which had vowed to protect a Florida church during the event of burning the Quran in commemoration with the September 11 attack withdrew its

US Copts protest against construction of NY mosque near Ground Zero

Coptic organizations in the US announced their intention to organize a rally on September 10, in protest to the building of a mosque in New York City, blocks away from

CNN survey reveals intolerance for Ground Zero Mosque

A survey conducted by the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll revealed that the controversial plan to build an Islamic centre has not been met with lightly with an overwhelming 70% of

Woman jailed for abusing and spitting at Muslims as they left mosque

Worshippers leaving a mosque in Colne were subjected to a tirade of racist abuse by a drunken woman who spat on them in the street, a court heard.

Paranoid Politics: The Denial of Islamophobia

Imagine a fairly widespread, fairly mainstream ethos in which politicians, pundits, and academics convened to denigrate practitioners of Christianity or Judaism. Imagine that these commentators picked apart the New or

Anti-Defamation League joins bigots in opposing Manhattan mosque

The Anti-Defamation League has announced its opposition to the building of an Islamic community center (or mosque, as CNN and others put it) in Manhattan, near ground zero.

Muslims need to tackle Jewish Islamophobia

From Sydney to California , Zionist Jews are spreading venomous hatred against Islam. A few years ago, we were witnessing mere instances and isolated occurrences of Jewish hatred and/or fear

Peace be on you

THERE are only 30,000 Muslims in Oklahoma, a state of 3.7m people, making them well under 1% of the population.