

Islamophobia reaches its peak with protests against mosque construction

Recent protests calling to stop the construction of a large mosque on a quiet residential street in Brooklyn, other parts in the US and Europe have been faced by much

European council votes in favor of niqab

A decree has been passed by the Parliamentary Assembly of Europe's human rights warning governments of forbidding Muslim women to don the niqab in public.

European council demands lifting of banned minarets

A European council, consisting of 47 countries, called on Switzerland to lift the ban on the construction of minarets in the country, describing it as a discriminatory measure against Muslims

Dutch political leader’s call to rename Jordan, Palestine angers Jordanians

The Islamic Action Front in Jordan has urged its government to convene with the Dutch Ambassador in Amman in order to present her with an official letter of protest to

Proposed US Mosque faces discriminating opposition

Muslim groups in the US have met with unpredictably intense opposition to their plan for opening mosques in the lower Manhattan, district in Brooklyn and lately in an empty convent

A. Sivanandan: Fighting anti-Muslim Racism

IRR News spoke to one of the foremost analysts of racism and Black struggle as to how to meet the contemporary challenge of anti-Muslim racism. Should we look at Islamophobia

On the Not Mosque at Not Ground Zero

The anti-Muslim movement is a curious blend of old-fashioned racism, naive nativism, fear, and the brute, thuggish rage that infects a diseased minority in every generation and finds its scapegoat

Belgian School Fires Teacher for Wearing Veil

Belgium beat France to the face veil ban, looks like the fall out is already being felt.

French court rules in favor of Muslim student forced to remove Hijab

A French court ruled in favour of a Muslim student who filed a lawsuit after being expelled from a training centre in Paris for wearing the hijab

Protests against ground Zero Mosque

The prospect of building a Mosque near Ground Zero in New York City has prompted protestors from all over US to voice their opposition disregarding all reason and demonstrating Islamophobic