

Spain: Lerida Bans the Face Veil

The town council voted to prohibit the “use of the veil and other clothes and accessories which cover the face and prevent identification in buildings and installations of the town

A Muslim response to “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day”

I will be the first to defend anyone’s right to express their opinion, no matter how offensive it may be to me. Our nation has prospered because Americans value and

Muslim attacked and “beaten to a pulp” in Brooklyn; Is it a hate crime?

Was it a hate crime or something else? That’s the question surrounding the savage beating of a Brooklyn man in broad daylight this weekend.

San Diego: Muslim Assaulted and told “Go back home”

The Council on American-Islamic relations (CAIR) is seeking hate charges against a man who assaulted a Muslim.

FBI investigates anti-Muslim hate crime

FBI in Jacksonville USA called on residents to come forward with any information regarding an attack on the Islamic Center of Northeast Florida.

Media should get Islam right

The media shows Muslim terrorists with guns performing prayers but rarely associates terms like terrorist, fanatic and fundamentalist with any other religious group.

Islamophobia reaches India calling for the banning of Al-Qaradawi

A Hindu priest, has unjustly called for the banning of Muslim Scholar Yusef Al-Qaradawi from entering India .

No-name radicals vs. ‘South Park’ just a distraction

Free speech issues and portrayals of Islam needlessly stirred a hornet’s nest recently when “South Park” depicted the Prophet Mohammed disguised in a bear suit in the 200th episode of

Court in Germany permits minaret construction

An Administrative court in the German city of Minden has ruled that the minaret which is no higher than 16 meters does not violate construction regulations which protect the rights

Former US candidate demonstrates Islamophobic tendencies

Islamophobia has become a topic of increasing sociological and political importance and its existence is all too relevant.