

Building Bridges to Strengthen America

In July 2009, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano delivered a speech in which she stated, "For too long, we've treated the public as a liability to be protected rather than

Rady refuses the continued broadcasting of the extremist

MP Mohsen Rady, of the Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary bloc and the Press and Culture Committee in Parliament, strongly refused the Ministry of Information's decision to allow the broadcasting of the

The Historic Roots of a Newly Resilient Ideology

The legitimation of anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant bigotry in the European mainstream has allowed formerly ostracized far-right Neo-Nazi and Fascist-oriented groups to present themselves as respectable political movements.

A Man with Qualities

He is one of the most outspoken intellectuals today in Europe who is dismissed as too modern by the orthodox and too traditional by secularists. Meet Tariq Ramadan, 47, a

Islam: A Message of Tolerance

With all the recent news of bombings and violence in parts of the Muslim world

Why Are Muslims Alone in Condemning Crimes?

Christian organizations did not issue any condemnations (for crimes committed by Christians or in the name of Christianity) - even though no one group in the history of the world

Egypt’s Islamic intellectuals condemn French Justice Minister over veil comments

Egyptian Islamic thinkers have condemned French Justice Minister Michele Alliot-Marie over comments she said on a recent television interview.

“Switzerland should not fear backlash over ban”

Switzerland should not be worried about a violent backlash by the Arab-Muslim world over the vote to ban minarets, says Swiss Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan.

The Internet and a gun

Comments sections on websites have become the catalyst for ignorance and hate. Everyday, there are people who must be searching the Internet for articles written about their “favorite” subjects for