

The Muslim Brotherhood After Mubarak

Portraying the Muslim Brotherhood as eager and able to seize power and impose its version of sharia on an unwilling citizenry is a caricature that exaggerates certain features of the

Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood

All eyes are on Egypt's biggest opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood. What are the Brotherhood's goals?

Tell that to the USS Liberty’s survivors, Mr Lieberman

Recalling the cold-blooded Israeli attack on the US warship the Liberty, Alan Hart considers what nuclear-armed Israel might do if its Moldovan bouncer-cum-foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, got the job he

Shameful traits of the USA and Israel

Paul J. Balles views two shameful traits shared by the US and Israel and represented in the views of Joseph A. Klein: abhorring criticism and diverting attention from their own

Obama’s last card – will he play it?

Alan Hart argues that, with the help of pressure from the European Union, US President Barack Obama could be nudged into signalling the end of American tolerance of Israeli crimes

On reality and its alternates: Glenn Beck vs. Julian Assange

Lawrence Davidson compares US ultra-conservative commentator Glenn Beck with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange – Beck “a charlatan who preaches an alternate reality that affirms the untested, ahistorical and prejudicial assumptions

Stonewalling Goldstone

On September 15, 2009, the UN Human Rights Council's (HRC) Goldstone Commission issued its findings on Cast Lead, Israel's war of aggression against Gaza, inflicting enormous loss of life, thousands

Tasing Rick Sanchez: Jon Stewart’s Jokes and CNN’s Double Standards

When CNN fired Rick Sanchez last week for his bumbling comments about Jon Stewart, Jews in the media and his own bosses, it was treated for the most part as

Voices for peace?

When Time Magazine carried an article on "Why Israel Doesn't Care about Peace", a whole coterie of American Zionist supporters reacted as if Time had become anti-Semitic.

The Gaza Flotilla: How Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fakes Photos of Seized Weapons

The following is a repost, due to the amazing hard work of one Ibn Kafka. He has taken the liberty of translating the original post from French into English.