Arrest Campaign


Egypt accuses Brotherhood of planning attack

The arrest of three leading Muslim Brotherhood members in Egypt has brought much controversy to the country in the 48 hours since their detainment on Monday February 8. Now, Egyptian

Egypt: Free Arbitrarily Detained Brotherhood Members.

The arbitrary arrest by Egyptian security forces of 16 senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood on February 8, bodes ill for the election year ahead, Human Rights Watch said today.

Egypt Brotherhood leaders accused of terrorism

Senior Egyptian Islamists arrested early this week are accused of forming militant cells, newspapers reported on Thursday, while Human Rights Watch called the arrests a blow to free elections.

Cairo: 15 day detention order to MB leaders.

State prosecution has issued a 15 day detention order to the MB leaders who were arrested recently in the ruling regimes latest sweep against the opposition.

Aljazeera Live interviews Dr Morsy

At 8:00pm on Wednesday Cairo Time Aljazeera Live channel will be hosting Dr. Mohamed Morsy, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood Guidance Bureau and the MB's media spokesman.

With eye on elections, Egypt cracks down on Muslim Brotherhood

At least a dozen senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood have been arrested in raids throughout the Cairo area. The detained included deputy Brotherhood leader Mahmoud Izzat.

Police arrest several Muslim Brotherhood members, sources say

Police have rounded up several prominent leaders of the banned Muslim Brotherhood, the country's largest opposition movement, sources with the group confirm.

A Statement by the MB on the fierce attacks against MB members

The MB asserted that these arrests would not change the path they have chosen for the development of the nation and they will continue their struggle with all available peaceful

Egyptian police arrest 13 Muslim Brothers, including Mahmoud Ezzat

Egyptian police arrested 13 members of the Muslim Brotherhood including Mahmoud Ezzat, the groups deputy leader in overnight raids in six provinces.

Egypt: New government crackdown on MB leadership

Al Jazeera reports that Egyptian security forces have detained at least 13 members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The arrests are widely seen as the start of an effort by the