Banned from Travel


Muslim scholar, Ramadan gives his first lecture since US ban

“Jihad Within Young Hearts: Toward a Positive Engagement." is the title of Tarek Ramadan's lecture to be delivered on Sunday in Livonia. Ramadan is considered to be one of the

Historical overruling of MB chairman’s travel ban

MB defense lawyer Abdel Moneim Abdel Maqsoud has described the lift of the Interior Ministry's travel ban for Dr Mohamed Badie the MB chairman as "historic".

Egyptian Regime Imposes Travel Ban On MB Leader, Family

Muslim Brotherhood leader Ali Greisha has been added on the Egyptian travel ban list. The Egyptian authorities prevented counselor Dr. Ali Greisha and his family from traveling to Al Medina Al

Al Banna Family Denied Travel to Father’s Centenary Anniversary

Cairo Airport security authorities refused to give a permission to Ahmed Seif el Islam Al Banna and his sisters, Dr. Istishhad and Miss Sanaa, to travel to Jordan to attend

2 MB Figures Denied Travel To Attend Jordan’s Al Banna Rally

Revisiting its unjust and repressive policies towards Muslim Brotherhood members, the Egyptian authorities prevented two senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood from travelling to Jordan to attend a rally on Thursday to

Gov’t Bans Prominent MB Economist From Travelling Again

Egyptian security authorities banned senior MB leader and prominent economist, Dr. Abdul Hamid el Ghazali, from traveling to Beirut to attend the Fifth Arab General Conference scheduled to be held

Another MB Figure Banned From Travelling To Attend Economic Conference

A scientific conference titled ”Islamists and Democracy” is to be held in London November 2-5 under the auspices of Democratic Studies Center affiliated to Westminster University.

Senior MB Leader Banned From Travelling To The Holy Shrines.

The authorities on October 7, 2006, prevented MB Senior Leader and Executive Bureau Member Mr. Goma’a Amin from travelling to Saudia Arabia to pay a visit to the Holy Shrines (Umrah), even after he

Egypt: MB Leader Banned From Travel

The Egyptian authorities on Saturday August 12, 2006 banned MB leader Dr. Ali Abdul Fattah from traveling to Beirut with a delegation affiliated to the Doctors’ Syndicate Relief Committee, although Abdul

State Prosecutor Extends Detention of 17 MB Members

State Security Prosecution has extended by 15 days the detention of 17 members of the MB, including Dr. Rashad El-Bayoumi, professor at the Faculty of Science, Cairo University, and member