

Egypt: Brotherhood accuses gov’t of corruption, ruling party dismisses investigation

Egypt’s largest and most active opposition group the Muslim Brotherhood has revealed its dismay at the government’s refusal for an investigation into corrupt practices of government officials and legislators.

Egypt’s Brotherhood objects to Cairo’s ‘tyranny’

Egypt's main opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, accuses Cairo of “tyrannical practices,” protesting the government's detention of many of its members in the lead-up to a key ballot.

Brotherhood Elections, Arrests

Dr. Muhammad Badi’ is the new Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to an announcement made by his predecessor during a news conference on January 16.

Brotherhood anticipate new bout of arrests ahead of the parliamentary elections.

Rumours have been widespread recently that State Security is geared up to conduct their infamous crackdowns with more arrests of leaders and members of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement.

Egypt’s opposition names new head

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood named a conservative as its new leader on Saturday, suggesting that Egypt's biggest opposition group may lower its political profile and focus on a social agenda.

From Reconquista to Recolonization

History never repeats itself exactly, but its echoes can sometimes be more deadly.

Muslims need to make Hijra back to Islam

As Muslims around the world mark the passage of 1430 years since the noble Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) made his pivotal hijra (emigration) from Makka to Madina, we late-comers need to

Profile: Dr. Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh

Stability cannot be achieved by depriving social and political leaders of civil justice. Nor can it be achieved by resisting democracy and excluding the largest political force in the country

Modernizing Brotherhood Mind

If Hassan Al-Banna, who founded the Muslim Brotherhood 80 years ago, were alive now, he would have issued a decision to force many of the old leaders in the group

Aboul-Fotouh: We Fully Reject Hakaima’s statement

Dr. Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh, the leader in the Muslim Brotherhood group, said in a statement to Ikhwanweb: “The declared target of this conference is pushing the peace process but