

Egyptians prepare for life after Mubarak

Their President of 29 years is very ill. But with no nominated successor, an uncertain future awaits, writes Robert Fisk in Cairo

Mosque and myth

The prevailing disputation over the right of Muslim Americans to build a community centre and mosque a short distance from the site of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks has

Why America Needs More Muslims

There is already a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center -- it’s been there since 1985. Men and women pray together at Masjid al-Farah; its services are

Why Muslims Should Rethink Palestine

Thousands of faithful assiduously listened as I outlined the challenges facing Palestine and its people. Cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’ – God is Great – occasionally resounded from a corner of

Jewish vigil supporting Muslim cultural center in Lower Manhattan

Yesterday The Shalom Center and other Jewish leaders from New York held a vigil at the site of the proposed Muslim cultural center and prayer space in Lower Manhattan, supporting

Egyptian and US scholars unite to bridge religious gap

A group of young American religious scholars and teaching assistants from Egypt 's oldest and renowned Azhar University engaged in a two week interactive project in an effort to bridge

Evil states remain evil, even if they excel in high-tech

It seems that the mental depravity of some Zionist Jews has no limits. We observe, for example, that unlike many other peoples, Zionists don't miss an opportunity to brag about

A Muslim response to “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day”

freedom of expression does not create an obligation to offend or to show disrespect for the religious beliefs or revered figures of others.

Former US candidate demonstrates Islamophobic tendencies

Islamophobia has become a topic of increasing sociological and political importance and its existence is all too relevant.

Open Letter to Islamophobe Dutch MP Geert Wilders

25 per cent of the population of Europe will be Muslim just 12 years from now. Lies, damned lies and statistics, someone said. But if you want native Europeans to