Civil State


Ketatni: Freedom and Justice Ungoverned by MB’s Executive Bureau

Dr. Saad Ketatni, member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Executive Bureau, said: The Muslim Brotherhood's political party 'Freedom and Justice' would be completely independent, not binding on the MB's Executive Bureau.

Mohamed ElBaradei: Muslim Brotherhood not radical

In a recent interview with Today’s Zaman former IAEA chief Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, stated that he did not see the Muslim Brotherhood Egypt’s popular opposition as a radical organization as

MB announces establishment of political party: Freedom and Justice

Egypt's largest political opposition the Muslim Brotherhood, has confirmed that it is preparing to establish a political party calling it the Freedom and Justice Party, or Horeya and Adala.

Al Katatni: MB First Called for Establishment of a Civil State

The Muslim Brotherhood's media spokesman Mohamed Saad el-Katatni has noted that Facebook's call to organize the January 25 mass rallies that coincided with National Police Day took place because of

MB will apply to become party when time is right

The Muslim Brotherhood’s media spokesman Dr. Essam El Erian has stated that steady and gradual reform must begin now, and it must begin on the terms that have been called

MB Commends the People on Their Resilience and Success in Toppling Mubarak’s Regime

Following the historical fall of Egypt’s Former President Hosni Mubarak and his regime the Muslim Brotherhood issued this Statement congratulating the people on its good fortune.

What the Muslim Brothers Want

THE Egyptian people have spoken, and we have spoken emphatically. In two weeks of peaceful demonstrations we have persistently demanded liberation and democracy.

MB: We call for a civil state to serve all of Egypt

Today’s press conference at the Muslim Brotherhood’s parliamentary headquarters highlighted numerous points concerning the group’s stance concerning the people’s revolution.

Ikhwanweb: Egypt’s Revolution Is a People’s Revolution with No Islamic Agenda

Ikhwanweb, the Muslim Brotherhood’s official English website editor in chief Khaled Hamza has stated that the current uprising in Egypt is a revolution of the Egyptian people and is by

MB Secretary General: We Seek Neither Power nor Authority

Secretary General for the Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Mahmoud Hussein accused the Egyptian government of attempting to tarnish the image of the Muslim Brotherhood in the media and hindering the group’s