Constitutional Declaration


Libya’s Justice & Construction Party Announces Its Support for National Unity Government

Libya's Justice and Construction Party, affiliated with the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya, urges all citizens, groups and individuals to actively support peace initiative to put an

Pro-Democracy Coalition: Lifting State of Emergency Mere Formality as Repression Continues

Anti-Coup National Alliance leading member Darrag deplores ‘cosmetic’ lifting of the state of emergency imposed since August 14, 2013 by coup authorities, pointing that arbitrary arrests of students and other

Muslim Brotherhood Views on Unconstitutional Declaration Issued Tuesday

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood rejects the military coup and its so-called caretaker administration as illegitimate, since they casually delegitimized popular will, and therefore cannot accept any decrees they may issue.

Erian: Rebellion Against Democracy Will Not Disrupt Institution-Building Endeavors

FJP leader Erian expresses hope that June 30 would witness the end of a battle of wills, with the opposition giving up on the violent discourse it chose as it

Opinion Leaders: National Dialogue Sessions Aid Presidential Bid for Consensus, Democracy

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi persistently seeks open and genuine national dialogue, with full participation of the widest spectrum of political forces, groups and movements.

Egypt President Decree to Appoint One-Third of 270-Member Shura Council

President Morsi issues a Decree to approve 90 nominees for membership of Shura Council – the upper chamber of Egyptian Parliament – including 12 Coptic Christians, and a total of

Justice Bashri: New Egypt Constitution Achieves Balance of Powers

Assuring that Egypt’s new national charter creates a tight balance between the executive, legislative and judicial authorities, Constitutional Consultant and Expert Tariq Bashri affirms that President Morsi has shamed his

Islamists Organize Two Peaceful Million-Man Marches and Rallies to Support Legitimacy in Egypt

The Egyptian ‘Board of Trustees of The Revolution’, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist parties and movements take to liberation squares across Egypt Tuesday in a powerful show of support

Egypt Presidency: Consensus on New Constitutional Declaration to Replace November Decrees

Egyptian President Morsi replaces November Decrees with new Constitutional Declaration, but presses on for referendum on new charter, promising a new Constituent Assembly if constitution is voted down.

Heshmat: Current Crisis Calls for Dialogue, Not Confrontation and Escalation

Freedom and Justice leader Heshmat assures everyone would be pleased, if they knew the President’s Constitutional Declaration safeguards the democratic transformation process, and that the national charter is a document