Corrupt Regime


FJP Secretary: Mubarak Release Decision Shocking; Revolution Will Triumph Inevitably

An Egyptian judge orders release of ousted president Mubarak on bail pending his retrial for killing unarmed protesters.

Legal Experts: Law Will Face Up to Violence and Vandalism

Investigations into attacks on the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood and its political wing the Freedom and Justice Party start soon, with legal experts and professionals affirming that law and

Morsi Vows to Form a United Front Against Former Regime

Freedom and Justice chief and presidential contender, Dr. Morsi, pledges to form strong coalition government that will include leading members of other movements and orientations to stem the tide of

Statement by Sponsors of “Friday of Confrontation and Revolution Revival” 13 April 2012

Full translation of the statement of the Coordinating Committee for participants in activities of the “Protection of the Egyptian Revolution” events being organized for Friday 13 April 2012, which are

Egyptian People Rejected Omar Suleiman as Vice-President; Will Not Accept Him as President

Since Suleiman is one of the most recognized icons of the old corrupt regime, a monumental insult to the electorate – the noble Egyptian people who have sacrificed thousands in

Katatni’s Full Speech After His Election As Speaker of People’s Assembly

Gentlemen, the great Egyptian people's members of parliament. We must all give thanks to God for His generosity and bounty, His mercy and blessing to the people of Egypt in

MB Statement Warns of Consequnces of Derailing Democracy by Special Interests

The Egyptian revolution is a great blessing from Allah and a miracle in itself, and we must not allow the causes that led to this great revolution to occur again.

MB Urges Interpol to Turn in Former Regime Officials

Indicating the country's determination to deal with past mistakes as it prepares for a new dispensation, the head of Interpol in Egypt Magdy al-Shafey has confirmed that his administration is

Former Egyptian VP: Mubarak Was Aware of Details of Killing Protesters

Major General Omar Soliman, vice-president of former president Mubarak and former Head of Intelligence, described the details of Mubarak's involvement in the killing of protesters and he condemns the crime.

Lawyers Freedom Committee calls for separation of imprisoned senior officials

The Freedoms Committee in the Lawyers Syndicate submitted a complaint to Attorney General Abdul Magid Mahmoud, in which it demanded the distribution of symbols of the former regime in different