Corruption In Egypt


MB defense team call on Mubarak to review decree and release Al Shater

The Muslim Brotherhood defense team representing Engineer Khairat al-Shater, Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, and four MB leaders who were convicted in the Military Court case in 2008.

UK study finds widespread corruption in Egypt

The UK based Oxfam organization and semi-official Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies released a new report determining that official corruption has become widespread in Egypt.

15 MB candidates in Tuesday’s Shura elections

The Muslim Brotherhood bloc has fielded 15 candidates to challenge for seats in the Shura midterm elections.

Corruption report not too positive for Middle East

Anyone familiar with the Middle East knows all too well that corruption is one of those conundrums that seems to get worse year after year as government and business continue

Egypt: Workers continue to struggle, face resistance

Last week, an international labor union oversight committee removed Egypt from a black list of nations who deal poorly with their workers. An optimistic move that leads many to see

In Egypt, the Twilight of the Mubarak Regime

In early March, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak flew to Germany, where a team of surgeons removed his failing gall-bladder along with a benign growth. Three weeks later, the president was

MB MPs statement of non-acceptance of state budget

Members of the Muslim Brotherhood's parliamentary bloc in the People's Assembly issued a statement on the approval of the ruling party's parliamentary majority on the final accounts of the state

Health Care missing from Egypt politics

The recent health care reform battle between Republicans and Democrats in the United States has illustrated what is vitally missing in Egypt’s political parties.

Egypt rise in violence due to subsidies, media, poverty

An Egyptian governmental report issued by the National Council for Services and Social Development of the specialized national council, titled “Social dimensions of the phenomenon of violence,” concluded that in

Cairo is 13th most populated city, says UN

A report issued by the United Nations on the status of major cities in the world predicted Cairo at number 13 among the most populous cities in the world by