

Ghozlan to The Guardian: We are Not Against Creativity; Culture Minister Faces Mubarak Elite

Having suffered oppression at the hands of successive regimes for decades, the Muslim Brotherhood vows to never suppress artistic or creative talents.

Egypt Upper House: Student Demands Legitimate, Corruption in Universities Must End

Parliamentary committee approves student demands to reverse 30 years of deteriorating university conditions and eliminate prevailing corruption.

FJP Leader Erian Tribute to Egypt Christians

As Egypt’s Copts celebrate the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on ‘Hosanna Sunday’ (April 28), and prepare for the Passion Week starting Monday 29, FJP deputy chief Erian wishes all

Freedom and Justice Party: Judges Must Purge Judiciary Themselves

Freedom and Justice Party expresses hope that forthcoming Justice Conference would soon submit its own amended Judicial Authority Law to Egypt’s legislature.

FJP: People Are Sovereign, Entitled to Demand Institutions Be Purged of Corruption

Popular sovereignty entitles Egyptians to press for urgent reforms to institutions still pervaded with corrupt deep state.

Muslim Brotherhood Seeks True Justice; Will Not Back Down to Violence and Intimidation

At the end of a long day of peaceful, dignified demonstrations by various parties and groups, including Egypt’s Brotherhood, a couple of dozens of paid thugs manufactured clashes to smear

Rights Group: Naguib Sawiris Hunts Down Media Professionals, Violates Freedom of Opinion

Whereas every move by any Islamist to deter media workers who persistently circulate utter lies is strongly condemned by ‘private’ media, no-one is voicing any objections as Sawiris does worse.

Muslim Brotherhood in Friday Rally Calling for Completion of Revolution Goals

With Mubarak-era judiciary effectively putting an end to Egypt’s Revolution and its goals, patriotic stakeholders, groups and movements are left with no alternative but to take to the streets yet

FJP Chief Katatni: Supply Inspectors Killings Attempt to Stop Fight Against Corruption

Freedom and Justice Party Chairman Katatni affirms that the cold-blooded murder of two supply officials is an integral part of the plot to undermine efforts to eradicate corruption throughout Egypt.

FJP: Dismissal of Azhar University President Good Start Point for Purging Inefficient Officials

Prompt action by Azhar top bosses in response to food-poisoning scandal is evidence that postrevolution Egypt will not tolerate corruption, negligence or inefficiency.