

Brotherhood Students Revere Al-Azhar Institution

Muslim Brotherhood students urge hostile media to stop fabricating fumbled fables against them, and assure that they hold Azhar in the highest respects as Sunni Muslims’ most venerable seat of

Brotherhood and FJP Demand Action Against Contaminated Food Crisis Corruption

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood and its political wing, the FJP, seek to eradicate the deep state corruption behind the food-poisoning outbreak that struck down over 500 Al-Azhar University students.

Beltagy: ‘Ikhwanization’ Term Used Against Attempts to Meet Revolution Demands

FJP leader Beltagy affirms that while President Morsi is surrounded by Mubarak-era top officials, some individuals have the audacity to accuse the Muslim Brotherhood of a power grab.

FJP Secretary-General: Some Try to Discard or Cover Up Cases Public Prosecutor Has Opened

Accepting bribes are certainly the least significant crimes committed by certain individuals who are doing their worst now to remove Egypt’s newly-appointed Public Prosecutor.

On The New Vision for the Egyptian Foreign Policy After the Revolution

Since its inception, and inspired by the principles of the great Egyptian Revolution of liberty,human dignity, and social justice, the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) recognizes the importance of laying

Calls to Attack Guidance Office are about Hate and Anarchy, Not Freedom or Democracy

Muslim Brotherhood lawyer Abdel-Maksoud stresses that certain youth calling for an attack on the group’s Guidance Office are an utter disgrace to the peaceful revolution.

Rached Ghannouchi: Islamists Care about Women; Tunisia on Path of National Reconciliation

Tunisian Annahda party leader Ghannouchi assures that his country is taking concrete steps on democratic transformation and national harmony.

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on January 25 Revolution Anniversary Violent Incidents

While some mark the 2nd anniversary of the Revolution with sincere efforts to help low-income Egyptians, some others wage a desperate war of mindless mayhem, destruction and vandalism.

Four-Axis Presidential Project to Build Modern Egypt

A special presidential team prepares for the launch of many comprehensive national development projects for all citizens across Egypt, soon.

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Train Accidents, Falling Buildings and Killing of Policemen

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood holds that the law must face up to years of sabotage and chaos by the former regime that led to a long history of train accidents and