

Arab States Crackdown on MB Will not Deter Them Calling for Peaceful Reform

According to Islamist analysts and observers Egypt and Jordan’s regime have both targeted the Muslim Brotherhood opposition in the parliamentary elections.

Human Rights Report Egypt’s Permanent State of Emergency Incompatible with Free and Fair Vote

In light of the mass and unjust arbitrary arrests in the lead to the elections, monopolizing of media and evident intimidation measures against opposition a 24-page report by human rights

MB press conference: Despite violence and oppression we will continue

Dr. Mohamed Morsy, media spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood relayed that Egypt’s upcoming parliamentary poll is a significant turning point for Egypt.

Amnesty Calls on Egyptian Regime to Respect Opposition’s Right to Campaign

Amnesty International criticized new restrictions by Egypt's authorities on political opposition and called on them to end assaults by security forces on parliamentary candidates.

Three MB Supporters Abducted in Aswan

Security forces in Aswan abducted three supporters of MB candidate, Farouk Bahr, following a campaign rally in the villages and centers of the constituency. The three were not involved in

300 MB Arrests amid Rubber Bullets and Tear Gas

Security forces in Karmooz, Alexandria, attempted to disperse the campaign march of MB MP, Mahmoud Attia of Karmooz constituency; however, their attempt failed and after the march they attacked the

MB in Sharqiya Condemn the Arrest of Twenty MB Supporters

Twenty MB supporters have been abducted during the past few days from various constituencies in the Sharqiya governorate.

Top MB Lawyer Slams the Arrests of 550 MB

Muslim Brotherhood top lawyer Abdul Monem Abdel-Maqsoud expressed that the security sweeps against members and leaders of the group has taken an upward curve since the group announced that it

Security continues arbitrary abductions and detentions

As the fierce campaign on the Muslim Brotherhood continues ahead of elections, state security abducted Nasser Hoary, Secretary for the candidate Abdullah Misbah.

Breaking News: Airport Security Detains Ikhwanonline’s Chief Editor

Cairo’s airport security has detained Abdul Galeel Sharnoubi, editor of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Arabic website, Ikhwanonline, on his return from a media trip in Yemen.