Day of Rage


MB and opposition calls for largest protest

For the third consecutive day Egypt has witnessed nationwide protests with further indications it will continue through Friday.

MB statement on January 25, Day of Rage and its consequences

Egypt is undergoing important events where the Egyptian people started a movement in Cairo and other cities in the country expressing their anger and denouncing the practices and violations by

After Tunisia: Obama’s Impossible Dilemma in Egypt

The Middle East just got more complicated for the Obama administration. The January 14 popular revolt in Tunisia, the first ever to topple an Arab dictator, has called into question

Egypt’s unstable regime

Egyptians have finally decided to discard their apathy and call for change. Whether inspired by Tunisia or infected with its motivation it is truly a welcome change.

Day of Rage Digest Egyptians in Action January 25th

Ikhwanweb has collected its update for the planned Day of Rage protests on January 25th by opposition activists in Cairo and elsewhere after Egyptians finally decided to discard their apathy

Egyptian Regime to Continue Oppressive Policies, Blocks Facebook

Although Facebook has returned a few hours ago Mubarak's regime blocked the popular social networking website, Facebook.

Security Threats for Activists Hours before the Egyptian Day of Rage

The Popular Campaign in Support of El-Baradei and the demands for change condemned the security campaign against its members in the different governorates as well as the security threats during

Egypt’s Day of Rage a Day of Revolution

The Day of Rage protest scheduled for today January 25th has been dubbed as a day of revolution as Egypt's ruling regime is preparing itself for one of the biggest

MB Youth, January 25 Activists Hope it Will Be the Start of Significant Change

Once the Muslim Brotherhood announced their participation in the Day of Rage protest scheduled for Tuesday, January 25th, Brotherhood bloggers promoted a banner across Facebook pages entitled "I'm a MB

Egypt Revolution – In the Shadow of Tunisia

January 25 is Police Day in Egypt, a commemoration of the resistance by Islamailiya police against the British in 1952 during which 41 police officers were killed.