Death Penalty


Press Release: Aqrab Detainees Hunger Strike Inspires Revolutionaries Across Egypt

Political prisoners steadfast behind the bars of injustice and despotism in Aqrab prison continue today (Saturday) – with their hunger strike – their epic defense of the Revolution and the

Egypt Anti-Coup Alliance Calls ‘Save the Poor’ Revolutionary Protest Week

The broadbased coalition of opposition groups and parties urges all Egyptians to rise and rally for the ouster of the mad military regime currently smothering Egypt and terrorizing its people.

Anti-Coup Youth Movement Marks First Anniversary of Stadium Massacre; Vows Retribution

Egyptian youth movement stands firm against the murderous military coup, in memory of a notorious massacre of innocent civilians by junta forces, and vows to exact retribution from all murderers

Pro-Democracy Alliance-Menoufia: Ferocious Coup Forces Campaign Terrorizes Peaceful Civilians

Intensified campaign of ruinous raids on people's homes, arbitrary arrests and detention, and forced disappearance as well as humiliating stop and search at check-points threaten Menoufia's peace.

Ahmed Seif Al-Islam Hassan Al-Banna Memorial Services Cancelled by Egypt Government

Government ministries force family of Ahmed Al-Banna to cancel traditional Islamic wake or mourning reception for relatives and friends to pray for the deceased.

Rights Activists Campaign As Coup Security Forces Arrest, Torture More Than 20 High-School Youths

Junta forces arrest, torture and threaten to kill 20 young teens in Alexandria, Egypt, while rights activists start a 'Stop Alex Massacre' campaign in reference to Montaza Police Station brutal

Jordan Muslim Brotherhood Denounces Aggression Against Iraq, Syria Sunnis

The Sharia Scholars Committee (SSC) of the Islamic Action Front Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, denounced acts of aggression committed against Sunnis in Iraq and

Libyan Muslim Brotherhood Shura Council Statement on Current Crises

The Shura Council (SC) of Libya’s Muslim Brotherhood, at the conclusion of its last meeting – of Friday and Saturday January 29 and 30, 2016 – reviewed the serious crises

Muslim Brotherhood: No Compromise, No Reconciliation with Murderous Coup Regime

To the patriotic men and women of the Revolution… With every new revolutionary wave, false rumors are spread alleging the start of negotiations, understandings or agreements. Each time, the Muslim

Junta Security Forces Arrest More Than 25 Anti-Coup Egyptians Within 24 Hours

Coup security apparatuses intensify their frenzied relentless campaign to hound, arrest and detain young men and women of the anti-coup Revolution, and continue to subject a number of citizens to