

Tunisia’s Deposed President — Corrupt, Anti-Democratic, and One of America’s Close Friends

Across the Middle East and Central Asia, U.S. allies are invariably corrupt dictators, maintained in power by lavish patronage and the military.

The Thrill and Consequences of Tunisia

The whole world is watching Tunisia, and especially the people of the Arab world, which shares in many ways the needs for reform that birthed Tunisia’s popular revolution, notes Rami

Four Things Obama Needs to Do in the Middle East

In a recent piece, I discussed the growing sense of “Bush nostalgia” among Arab reformers. Such nostalgia has less to do with George W. Bush and more to do with

Three suggestions for Dr ElBaradei

Over the last several weeks, Dr ElBaradei's call for political and constitutional reform and honest presidential elections has gathered real momentum in the media. Amr Hamzawy thinks aloud offering a

Bastion of Impunity, Mirage of Reform

Today the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies released its second annual report on the state of human rights in the Arab world for the year 2009.

Egypt: El-Baradei, a serious candidate

CAIRO - Possible candidate for the Egyptian presidency, the former IAEA chief Mohammed El-Baradei could well become a dangerous opponent even if his chances of winning are very slim, analysts

Play fair, and Egypt may yet be land of the rising son

To his supporters he is a voice of reform in a stagnant country. To his detractors he represents the ruling elite responsible for the stagnation of the Arab world’s most

Katatni nominates himself and challenges Sorour for the Presidency of the Peoples Assembly.

Assembly in The Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary bloc has announced that it will nominate candidates to elections for various positions. MB bloc leader Dr Saad Katatni is expected to run for

Egypt’s dynastic succession contested, as Muslim Brotherhood fractures

Will Gamal Mubarak succeed his father as Egypt’s next president? Is the Muslim Brotherhood, the country’s leading opposition force, about to split? Should liberal and democratic forces align themselves with

America needs ‘Moore’ Democracy

Have we learned anything in the 15-odd centuries since the fall of Rome? The oligarchs of Rome were poisoned by more than lead in their wine: selfishness and decadence, and