

Statement by Ennahdha On the Anniversary of the Tunisian Revolution

Today 14 January 2012, the brave Tunisian people are commemorating the first anniversary of the victory of their great revolution which compelled the dictator to flee, liberated our country from

Why Islamists Are Better Democrats

If the Arab Spring was seeded by a liberal insurrection, the Arab Fall has brought a rich harvest for Political Islam. In election after election, parties that embrace various shades

Syria: SNC Slams Continued Brutal Massacre Against Peaceful Protesters

The Syrian National Council (SNC) has issued a statement vehemently condemning the killings against Syrian protestors.

Three Big Challenges Threatening the Arab Uprisings

With the fall of Muammar Qaddafi’s headquarters in Bab Al-Aziziyyah in Tripoli on August 23, Libya became the third country to oust its long-serving dictator after the fall of Tunisia’s

Actor Mohamed Sobhi: MB Contributions to Egyptian Society Undeniable

Actor Mohamed Sobhi praised Muslim Brotherhood's (MB) contributions to Egyptian soceity, and downplayed concerns of their potential election to power in Egypt.

MB Denounces Nasarllah’s Statements Supporting Criminal Syrian Regime

Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan strenuously criticized the speech delivered on Friday by Hezbollah's Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, in which he expressed his support of the Syrian regime, praising

ANHRI: Mubarak Behind Bars Lesson to All Dictators in the Region

Statement by the Arab Human Rights Network Informations (ANHRI), following the opening session of former president Mubarak's trial

Egyptians Closely Follow Ben Ali’s Hearing

As the Arab Spring continues, apprehension surrounds the region following the anticipated court hearings of the ousted Ben Ali of Tunisia and the upcoming trial of the deposed Mubarak of

Egyptian Uprising overthrows its Zionist Master

At the start of the Egyptian uprising western public opinion responded positively to the mostly young, middle class, people who took to the streets demanding greater political freedoms which many

Tunisia’s Deposed President — Corrupt, Anti-Democratic, and One of America’s Close Friends

Across the Middle East and Central Asia, U.S. allies are invariably corrupt dictators, maintained in power by lavish patronage and the military.