Dr. Mohamed Habib


Muslim Brotherhood Deputy says Ties to Organization Unbreakable

Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Leader Dr. Mohamed Habib denied having any intention of moving away or splitting from the organization after not being elected to the organization's Guidance Office.

Khairat Al-Shater, 10 years in prison

December 14, 2009 marks 10 years of detention for Eng. Khairat Al-Shater, second Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood group over different periods of time in Egyptian prisons; his punishment

MB Secretary General: Escalations will not deter us from performing our duty.

Dr. Mahmoud Ezzat in a comprehensive interview with Ikhwanweb highlighted a number of important issues

Habib Clarifies MB Stance Towards Saad-el-din Ibrahim Sentence

Commenting on the verdict against Saad El Din Ibrahim, MB Deputy Chairman Dr. Mohamed Habib said on Thursday in a statement to Ikhwanweb,

Muslim Brotherhood Congratulates Aljazeera and Sudan on the Release of Sami Al-Hajj

Dr. Mohamed Habib, Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman, congratulated Aljazeera Satellite Channel and the neighboring country Sudan on the release of Sami Al Hajj, cameraman of Aljazeera who was released last

MB Demands Swift Investigations Into Suez Shooting, Offers Condolences to Families

Dr. Mohamed Habib, deputy chairman of the MB, condemned the shooting of an Egyptian citizen and injuring two others in Suez Canal by US security personnel on board of the

Habib: Democracy is Our Choice Toward a Civil State

Dr. Mohamed Habib, Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), reiterated that democracy is the MB’s choice toward the establishment of a civil State with an Islamic frame of reference.

Habib: Egyptian Regime Seeks To Sideline MB’s Political, Social Roles

Dr. Mohamed Habib, the deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), confirmed that the number of MB detainees reached 668 detainees ...

MB Will Boycott Referendum on Constitutional Amendments

In a statement to Ikhwanweb, Dr. Mohamed Habib, the deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, said that the group decided today to boycott the referendum on the constitutional amendments scheduled

Cairo: MB And US Embassy Deny Dialogue

The Muslim Brotherhood and the US embassy in Cairo denied any dialogue going on between the two parties.