East Jerusalem


Boycotting fascism?

During the last week angry young residents of Tel Aviv have been staging a sit-in, or, more accurately, a tent-in, along fashionable Rothschild Boulevard to protest their being priced out

UNESCO Clarifies Position on Jerusalem

In a press release, UNESCO clarified its position towards Jerusalem stating that reports about recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital were mere allegations.

Israel rejects international monitors for East Jerusalem demolitions

Senior Israeli officials have rejected the proposal from the EU to deploy international monitors of the occupation authority's demolition of Palestinian-owned buildings in East Jerusalem and the eviction of their

How to anger the pro-Israel lobby

To their eternal shame, Western churchmen seem to care little about the plight of their brothers and sisters in the Holy Land or the fate of the holy places where

Palestinian Authority Traitors Serving Israel

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' duplicitous treachery exposes him as an enemy, not ally, of his people.

Britain hangs out “welcome” sign to war criminals

Stuart Littlewood views the efforts of Israel’s stooges at the heart of the British government, William Hague and the Conservative Friends of Israel, to amend UK law so that Israeli

Bound Palestinian Shot To Death By Israeli Policemen

The center said that Hazim Adel Abu Al Dab’at, 22, from Al Thoury neighborhood in East Jerusalem was shot to death after being forced to the ground while cuffed.

Israeli Beauty Products Company Ahava Complicit in the Sins of Occupation

Ahava is owned by entities deeply involved in Israel's settlement project in the occupied West Bank. Activists are fighting to show it can't hide its dirty side.

‘U.S. Administration is Ignoring a Host of Palestinian Provocations’

Israeli envoy to the U.S. Michael Oren, meanwhile, told the country's diplomats there that U.S.-Israeli relations face their worst crisis in 35 years.

Expecting a third Intifada

The next Intifada could see the Palestinian people in struggle not only against Israel but also against the Palestinian Authority, writes Khaled Amayreh in Ramallah.