Egyptian Constitution


Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood and Women

A recent spat of press reports detailing Egypt’s powerful opposition Muslim Brotherhood group’s row over the role of women has left the Islamic group under pressure from the country’s liberal

Abdel Aziz calls for the elimination of corruption in elections

MP Abbas Abdel Aziz, of the MB Parliamentary bloc, submitted an urgent request for information to the Minister of Housing and Minister of Local Development regarding the Central Federation for

Saleh: The government should practice what it preaches and offer the Egyptian citizens their legitimate

The NDP’s Secretary of media added that Article 38 provided that the tax system is based on social equality and that one of the presidential duties,

Al-Mohammadi: 12 amendments to Health Insurance Law by MB parliamentary bloc

Al-Mohammadi el-Sayed Ahmed, member of the Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary bloc, stressed that the courts' overrule of the new health insurance draft law with claims that it contradicts 12 Articles of

Postponement: November 5 scheduled for Khayrat el-Shater and his companions appeals.

Once again prosecutors postponed the hearing of Eng. Khayrat el-Shater and his companions' appeals. A later date November 5 was scheduled demonstrating yet further injustices to the movement's deputy vice.

Who is Egypt’s next president?

In the media, the street and political gatherings the question is reiterated: Who is Egypt's next president? However no matter how many times the question is repeated no clear answer

Habib: Sorour’s Statements Aim At Imposing Media Blockade on MB

Dr. Mohamed Habib said that the statement of the Egyptian People’s Assembly speaker against the media and journalists aims at spreading fear and panic among Egyptians.

Fotoh: West Must Not Pressure Regimes To Curb Islamists

Dr. Abdel Moneum Aboul-Fotouh hoped that the US and the West in general to stop their pressures on Arab regimes to curb Islamists and deny them their rights. 

Ibrahim Monir:MB Seeks Civil, not Religious, Party

A member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Executive Bureau says they seek a civil  party in accordance with the second article of the Egyptian Constitution.

Akef: Dictatorship is the cause of the Distress Egyptians are Suffering From

The Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mr. Mohamed Mahdi Akef, asserted that Muslim Brothers (MBs) have no objection to the formation of political parties for all those who want to engage