Egyptian Constitution


Uncertainty and optimism in Egypt

After briefly sizing me up as I surveyed his offerings, the street bookseller near Cairo’s Tahrir Square approached me and asked: “Muslim Brotherhood books or revolution books?” I suppose the

National Coalition for Egypt Set Up

The “National Coalition for Egypt,” was launched yesterday following numerous meetings held earlier last week between political factions.

Demonstrations in Alexandria Calling for New Constitution First

Following Friday prayers political and national powers organized a rally in front of Alexandria 's al-Qaed Ibrahim Mosque.

The Founding Statement of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP)

In the spirit of the January 25 Revolution made by the great Egyptian people and guarded by the courageous Egyptian army; the revolution that opened the horizon for bright hope

FJP Leader Denies it Will Force Islamic Law in Egypt

Stating the newly formed Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party FJP ideologies as using Islam as the basis of its party, Dr. Mohamed Morsy spoke in an interview to clarify

MB Confirms Will Not Participate in May 27, Protest

Observing calls for a second revolutionary march on May 27, the Muslim Brotherhood is viewing with great concern the events.

Activists Launch Campaign on FB Opposing Holding Off Elections

Arguing for quick elections, activists in Egypt have launched a campaign on the social networking site FB calling for quick elections against delay.

El Erian: Parliament Will Decide the Fate of Peace Treaty with Israel, not MB

Yearning for what was senior Muslim Brotherhood chairman Dr. Essam el Erian stated that the real reason behind the Palestinian-Israeli conflict was that Israel was unjustly punishing the Palestinians for

Statement from the MB on the Encroachment on the Constituent Body in Charge of Drafting

The Constitution is the supreme law of the country; it is the document which determines the form of the State and its political and economic setting.

MB Chairman Welcomed by Crowds in Lebanon

Following the Friday prayers chairman for the Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Mohamed Badie spoke to a massive crowd in the Lebanon city of Tripoli.