Egyptian police


Nassar Human Rights Center: Alexandria, Capital of Arab Torture in 2010

Nassar Human Rights center named Alexandria the "Capital of Arab Torture in 2010" after the center monitored large numbers of torture cases that had not been preceded by any of

Police Accused of Torturing a Citizen to Death in Alexandria

The family of 39-year-old Mustafa Attia El-Sayed accused policemen at Mina El-Basal police station of torturing El-Sayed to death. The family stressed that a number of policemen stopped him in

Three MB Supporters Arrested and Three Injured in New Attack by Egyptian Police in Alexandria

Egyptian security forces assaulted and beat campaigners of MB candidate for the Karmooz district Mahmoud Atia in Alexandria early Tuesday, during a confrontation which turned violent.

Egypt: The new opposition and the ElBaradei factor

A tentative political alliance threatens to change the electoral calculus in the 2011 elections but the group is unwilling to announce its intentions without a guarantee of fair polls.

Make Ramadan torture-free in Egypt

It's Ramadan, but the Egyptian police continue to practise brutality and torture. This year, they should set a better example

International Press condemn Egypt’s attacks against protestors

Today’s international press condemned the Egyptian police attacks against Egyptian protestors who intended to submit complaints for the Egyptian people, to Parliament assembly speaker Dr. Fathy Sorour.

Appeals against arrests of 89 MB members

The defense team for the MB detainees, appealed to the Attorney General for Detainees Affairs against the Interior Minister's decision to arrest 89 MB members.

Renewed detention for 18 MB; another breach in constitution

For the fifth consecutive time a renewed detention order has been issued to 18 members of the Muslim Brotherhood.The order which would keep the detainees in custody a further 15

MB deputy chairman Ezzat: We will continue our call for reform

Dr Mahmoud Ezzat confirmed to Ikhwanweb that they would continue in their cause stressing that Islam was a blessing which should be appreciated.

MB saddened by arrests but will not be deterred

The State security's arbitrary arrests have seen an all time high with the number of detainees escalating to approximately 100 since the beginning of February.