Egyptian Protests


Attorneys for Plaintiffs Fear Mitigation of Mubarak Charges

In an interview with Ikhwanweb, Hanafi stated that in the first trial to Mubarak and Al Adly, many lawyers of the martyrs and injured were prevented from attending the hearings

Egypt: ANHRI condemns raiding Tahrir sit-in by force, the Military Council has to release all

ANHRI condemned raiding Tahrir sit-in by force on Monday Augest1, 2011. Military Police Forces and Central Security raided Tahrir Square by force and violence, which led to many of the

MB Expresses Its Disappointment Over Friday’s Events

The MB urges all factions with differing ideologies, including Islamists, Leftist, and Liberals to put aside their differences, and work together in the spirit of the revolution and to achieve

MB Not to Join Protestors on Friday

Calling on all to end sit-in protests the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party Secretary General Dr. Saad Katatny stated that the group has no intentions to participate in the

FJP: Justice Is Prime Demand, But Gov’t Should be Given Chance

Commenting on Friday’s demonstration billed the 'Friday of Final Warning,' Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) leader Dr. Essam El-Erian stated that while he understood the people’s frustration, the authorities must

FJP to Support Families of Revolution’s Victims

Dr. Amr Darrag, secretary of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) in Giza, affirmed that the secretariat of the party will meet to discuss ways to support the families of

MB Statement On Current Domestic And Regional Affairs

The Muslim Brotherhood issued its weekly statement weighting on several current domestic and regional affairs that affect Egypt, including the situation in Syria, Yemen and Libya.

MB Continues Struggle for Egyptians’ Rights

The July 8th demonstration was originally a message for'constitution first', but it is also calling for justice, as Egyptians are outraged over the acquittal of Mubarak's ministers as well as

Egyptian Revolution Remembers its Theoretician, Abdul-Wahab Al-Messiri

"Al-Messiri: the absent yet present one in the Egyptian revolution", under this title, a symposium was held at the Press Syndicate in Cairo two days ago to celebrate the third

Egypt: Five Things To Know Going Into The “Day of Persistence”

The Egyptian authorities are making a mistake if they don’t believe that the demonstrators represent the Egyptian people. In addition to the April 6th Youth Movement and the ‘We Are