
FJP Leader Welcomes EU Sanctions on Syria

Secretary General for the Freedom and Justice Party, Dr. Saad Katatny, commended the decision by the EU to impose sanctions banning imports of Syrian crude oil.

Israel rejects international monitors for East Jerusalem demolitions

Senior Israeli officials have rejected the proposal from the EU to deploy international monitors of the occupation authority's demolition of Palestinian-owned buildings in East Jerusalem and the eviction of their

European diplomats recommend punitive action against Israel

European diplomats in Jerusalem have filed a report recommending that the EU takes punitive measures against Israel and recognize east Jerusalem as a capital for the Palestinians.

WikiLeaks reveals Vatican has Islamophobic tendencies

The WikiLeaks cables are getting more interesting by the minute exposing and highlighting what has already been brewing in many intellects minds of the attitude of some in the West

UK Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg’s initiation as Israeli stooge

From champion of the vulnerable to betrayer in one bound! Nick Clegg, Britain's new deputy prime minister, is surprisingly agile.

Hamas, don’t blow this chance

Can the resistance exploit the fake talks, re-position itself and finally "come good”?

Norway: EU to end Gaza power, water crises

Norway asked Israel to allow entry of more goods into the Gaza Strip and facilitate the opening of Gaza crossings, while affirming that the European Union would work on ending

Yousef Munayyer: Israel’s History of Impunity

Last week the government of Israel announced the launch of an investigation into the events surrounding the deadly Memorial Day flotilla raid which left nine activists dead.

Hamas welcomes EU call for lifting siege on Gaza

Hamas movement on Tuesday welcomed the European Union's new position calling for an end to the Israeli siege on Gaza Strip and opening all land crossings and sea routes to

Prisoners committee: EU backing culprit against victim

The higher national committee for prisoners has described as "sheer hypocrisy" the European Union's demand for the release of Israeli captured soldier Gilad Shalit while ignoring thousands of Palestinian prisoners