Executive Bureau


Freedom and Justice Party to Submit Papers

Spokesman for the recently established Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), Dr. Saad Ketatni, announced that documents and applications concerning the party formation will be submitted to the Commission Affairs on

MB Chairman Welcomed by Crowds in Lebanon

Following the Friday prayers chairman for the Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Mohamed Badie spoke to a massive crowd in the Lebanon city of Tripoli.

MB Mulls Over Legal Status

Contemplating options the Muslim Brotherhood is currently exploring the group’s legal status. The group which was ‘banned’ during the Mubarak regime is to decide if it should become a civil

MB to Submit Freedom and Justice Party’s Documents in Ten Days

Dr. Mohamed Saad Ketatny, candidate for the post of Secretary-General of the "Freedom and Justice" party has announced that the documents of the party will be submitted in 10 days.

MB Shura Council Meeting in Its Second Day

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Historic Shura Council Conference in Cairo is in its second day. MB chairman Dr. Mohamed Badie inaugurated the two day conference which began Friday.

MB concludes 2 day conference; chooses party leader

Following a two day conference the Muslim Brotherhood's Shura council revealed decisions made in their first historical meeting in 16 years.

MB holds first Shura meeting after the revolution

According to Dr. Mahmoud Hussein, Secretary-General of the Muslim Brotherhood the meeting which is the first in 16 years will be held in the group’s new headquarters in Mokattam the

MB Chairman: The Revolution and Challenges of Advancement and Production

Addressing the Muslim Brotherhood members chairman for the group Dr. Mohamed Badie stated that it was necessary to create a new social, economic and political realm based on the initiatives

Call for Shura Council’s Meeting

The General Secretariat of the Muslim Brotherhood has called on members of the Shura Council to hold an emergency meeting on Friday and Saturday 29 – 30 April 2011.

MB seeks participation not domination in trade union’s elections

Dr. Mohamed Ali Bishr, member of the Muslim Brotherhood Executive Bureau and Secretary General of the Engineers’ Syndicate stated that the MB does not seek a majority in the upcoming