Executive Bureau


Al-Shater: MB Development Programme Will Take up to 6 months

Deputy Chairman for the Muslim Brotherhood Eng Khairat el Shater confirmed the MB has begun taking concrete steps to develop and improve the group.

MB Media Spokesman Calls for Unity to Save the Revolution

During a seminar entitled “Priorities of National Work to Face the Counter-Revolution Is a Current Duty”, Dr. Mohamed Morsi, media spokesman and member of the Executive Bureau of the Muslim

MB media spokesman denies Executive Bureau members will partake in Youths’ Conference Saturday

Muslim Brotherhood media spokesman Dr. Mohamed Morsy, denied rumours that members of the Executive Bureau would partake in a conference.

MB’s Freedom and Justice Party welcomes membership for all

Media Spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Mohamed Morsy has stated that the Freedom and Justice party being formed by Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood will not discriminate in its membership between

Katatni: Polls for MB’s New Party to Take Place Once It Is Established

Dr. Mohamed Saad Katatni from the Muslim Brotherhood's Executive Bureau and co-founder of "Freedom and Justice" has noted that the process of collecting the necessary signatures for establishing the party

Ketatni: Freedom and Justice Ungoverned by MB’s Executive Bureau

Dr. Saad Ketatni, member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Executive Bureau, said: The Muslim Brotherhood's political party 'Freedom and Justice' would be completely independent, not binding on the MB's Executive Bureau.

Ketatni, Leader of Freedom and Justice Party

The Muslim Brotherhood has announced that it has named Dr. Saad Ketatni, former head of the Brotherhood's parliamentary bloc, as the leader of the founders of its Freedom and Justice

Dr.Morsy: MB Committed to Peaceful Reform, Its Stance on Citizenship Very Clear

Dr. Mohamed Morsy, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Executive Bureau and the group's media spokesman, stressed that the Muslim Brotherhood's future is dependent in all walks of life of

Sixty Muslim Scholars Issued a Statement Prohibiting the Secession of Southern Sudan

Sixty Islamic scholars and preachers issued a statement on Wednesday in which they provided that it is not permissible to divide Sudan, asserting that voting for the secession of southern

Morsy: Alexandria’s Church Bombing a Flagrant Attack Affecting One and All

Dr. Mohamed Morsy, member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Executive Bureau and the group's Media Spokesman, described the attacks on an Alexandria church as a flagrant attack which has affected the