Financial Crisis


Christian Arabs? Plight: Foreign ?Protection? Counterproductive

Suddenly, the U. S. - European alliance is acting to protect the ?existence? of the Christian Arab minority against the Muslim Arab majority whose very existence is besieged and threatened

Human Rights Council opens fifteenth regular session

The Human Rights Council this morning opened its fifteenth regular session, hearing an update by United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on the activities of her Office.

Egypt: World Bank Appoints Egyptian Director

World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick today appointed Egyptian Investment Minister Mahmoud Mohieldin Managing Director of the World Bank Group.

Overdose: The Next Global Financial Crisis [Video]

This is the story of the greatest financial crisis we will ever see… The one that is on the way.

The dollar’s metamorphosis

Christopher King argues against suggestions by UN and US economists that countries should switch their reserve currencies from the dollar to the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, which he

Security Forces assault protesting Amonisto employees

Egyptian Security Forces attacked Amonisto Company employees Sunday May 23, while they were protesting in front of Parliament. Tens were injured and more than 20 workers arrested. Journalists were also

Amonisto workers released

Alsayeda Zainab Prosecution ordered the release of 20 Amonisto workers after a 12 hour detention

A Grim Year for the Middle East

2009, begun with Israel’s murderous assault on Gaza, was a year of great torment and much misery in the Middle East.

Can Migrants Save the Global Economy?

Relying solely on migrant labour for economic support is not only unjust, it is unsustainable.