

Chomsky Warns of the Threat of Fascism

Noam Chomsky, for many years the leading leftwing intellectual in the country, warned last week of signs that fascism may be coming to the United States. He invoked Germany during

Hard Lessons of the My Lai Massacre

Those 'merchants of death' try to hide the gruesome realities of war and instead try, with aggressive propaganda, to make war look like something patriotic. They try to convince the

Chutzpah: Thy Name is Zionism

One might think that with over a million people dead and almost five million others displaced in Iraq—and not a weapon of mass destruction to be found—that Netanyahu might be

British government curtailing freedoms: Why Islam4UK should not be banned

The group Islam4UK had planned to hold a demonstration in a British town in homage to the Muslim lives lost in Afghanistan at the hands of the British army. After

‘Gott Mitt Uns’: Christians Excusing War

Nazi German soldiers went into battle with the words 'God With Us' inscribed on their belt buckles. The slogan convinced most of the educated Protestant and Catholic clergymen to proclaim

In Their Own Words

We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population', and ' Jewish villages were built in

The President Has Accepted Ethnic Cleansing

the story of what’s really going on in Iraq and Iran. SPIEGEL ONLINE spoke to him about America’s Hitler, Bush’s Vietnam, and how the US press failed the First Amendment.