Human Rights Committee


Egypt Parliament’s Human Rights Committee Urges International Protection for Burma Muslims

A 153-page Human Rights Watch report accuses Myanmar’s government of ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims, crimes against humanity that continue unabated to-date and prevention of relief aid from reaching surviving

People’s Assembly Approves Bill to Criminalize All Forms of Torture & Stiffen Punishments

MP Subhi Saleh says Egyptian People’s Assembly has approved draft amendments to criminalize all forms of torture and to streamline and simplify legal procedures.

Fahmi Howeidi: Egyptian Media Guilty of Incitement

What started as a limited incident, in a tiny village, and was settled locally immediately, was suddenly launched into the spotlight, with hate media consciously publishing and broadcasting false and

Egypt human rights committee demands detainees’ release

Members of the Committee on Human Rights of the People’s Assembly demanded the presence of any representative of the ministry of interior in Parliament to introduce the ministry’s security policy

IPU pledges to take legal action against Israel for violating prisoners’ rights

Ingeborg Schwarz, the secretary of the human rights committee of the inter-parliamentary union (IPU), pledged to file lawsuits against Israel for its violation of the international humanitarian law regarding the

Hostage citizens and failed negotiations prompt parliament clashes

Heated debates took place in Egypt 's parliamentary hearing as opposition called for the discussion of numerous topics.

Amer: Freedoms in Egypt must be extorted

MP Mahmoud Amer, member of the Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary bloc and member of the Human Rights Committee in the Parliament, stressed that lost freedoms in Egypt will only be restored