
MB Offshoot in Jordan Calls for National Salvation Government

The Islamic Action Front in Jordan called for the launching of a 'national salvation government' in an effort to grasp both the political and social problems facing the country.

Jordan’s Polls End with Fatality

Polls across Jordan closed 12 hours after opening but not without violence. The parliamentary elections saw one person dead, two injured and twenty under arrest.

Jordan Goes to the Polls with Noted Absence of MB offshoot

Approximately two and a half million Jordanian citizens are expected to go to the parliamentary polls today with the noted absence of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political arm the Islamic Action

MB offshoot in Jordan freezes membership of 7

IAF members from Jordan 's Muslim Brotherhood's political arm have been suspended for standing as candidates in Tuesday's parliamentary elections in contradiction to the party's boycott of the polls.

Jordan’s boycott and tomato woes

The parliamentary elections slated for Tuesday to replace the body dissolved late last year have not exactly set the Kingdom's political life onfire. Some Jordanians will undoubtedly go to the

Jordan Fears Vote Buying in Polls

With the upcoming elections in Jordan widespread concern erupts about new methods of “vote buying” and other election deceitful tactics ahead of the polls.

Jordan’s MB offshoot will be politically active despite boycott of elections

According to experts the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot in Jordan's decision to boycott the upcoming parliamentary elections will open the way for a strong showing by tribal candidates in Zarqa city.

Arab elections: free, sort of fair… and meaningless

A certain Arab country recently held parliamentary elections. The vote was reasonably free and fair. Turnout was 67 percent, and the opposition won a near majority of the seats --

Jordan’s MB ousts 4 members for breaching boycott

The Muslim Brotherhood offshoot in Jordan the Islamic Action Front dismissed four of its members after they disregarded the decision to boycott the country's parliamentary elections scheduled for November 9.

Jordan’s Parliamentary Elections and the Islamist Boycott

Despite efforts by Jordanian Prime Minister Samir Rifai to dissuade the Muslim Brotherhood from its decision to boycott the November 9 parliamentary elections, the Brotherhood has held its ground, with