Islam Is The Solution


MB MP: Ruling regime is behind restricted campaigning schedule

Spokesman and head of the Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary bloc, Dr. Mohamed Saad Ketatni denounced the tight schedule drafted for the parliamentary elections slated for November 28, 2010.

Katatni: Supreme Committee for Elections driven behind NDP wishes

The Media Spokesman and Head of the Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary bloc, Dr. Mohamed Saad el-Ketatni, called on the Supreme Committee for Elections to illustrate integrity and abide by the laws

Muslim Brotherhood to campaign for elections

The Muslim Brotherhood has vowed to campaign for next month's parliamentary elections.

MB kicks off electoral campaigning

Egypt’s strongest political opposition the Muslim Brotherhood has embarked on its electoral campaigning in the city of Alexandria just days after announcing their fielded candidates. Posters bearing the group's electoral

The MB launches a door to door campaign

Members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Daqahleya embarked on an electoral campaign in an effort to explain the group’s reasons for taking part in the elections.

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood right to enter election

Over the past few weeks there has been much discussion over whether Egypt’s most powerful opposition group the Muslim Brotherhood would contest November’s Parliamentary election.

MB calls on the nation to combat electoral rigging

Media Spokesmen for the Muslim Brotherhood called on Egyptian citizens from different sects, trends, national, political powers and ideologies to unite.

Interior Minister threatens MB ahead of election campaign

According to experts recent statements by the Egyptian Interior minister Habib Al-Adly, regarding the upcoming parliamentary elections indicate that, the ruling regime is intending to hinder any effort made by

Muslim Brotherhood expands westward

When Egyptian school teacher Hassan al-Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928 to teach his fellow Egyptians how to re-discover their Muslim identity and fight British control, he probably never

MB Chairman: Violations in the Shura Council’s elections is beyond limits

MB Chairman Dr. Mohamed Badie stressed that the continued violations of the rights on the MB candidates regarding the Shura elections and the non-implementation of the judicial rulings resorting to