Islamic law


Erian: Senior Scholar Authority Not Involved in Legislation

Freedom and Justice Party leader Erian affirms that, according to Egypt’s new Constitution, the country’s Council of Senior Scholars plays no direct legislative role, currently entrusted to the Shura Council.

Erian: People Sovereignty Does Not Conflict with Islamic Law

Although some Muslim figures hold that ‘People are the source of authority’ – as a principle – is actually a blasphemy, the Freedom and Justice Party deputy leader Erian assures

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Unjust Trials for Leaders of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami

Translation of the Brotherhood’s statement condemning political trials targeting Islamists in Bangladesh, urging all relevant organizations to do their duty and halt violations of human rights.

In Million-Man Marches Saturday, Rallies from Alex and Cairo to Assiut, People’s Revolutionary Will Shines

Massive, passionate, peaceful, dignified, unprecedented – are the ‘billion-man’ demonstrations comprising supporters of 48 different Egyptian political, social and revolutionary parties and movements on Saturday in support of Morsi’s decrees

Muslim Brotherhood Statement Calling All Egyptians for Million-Man March and Rally Saturday in Tahrir

Translation of Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Statement issued Wednesday, in which all Egyptians are called for a mass demonstration on Saturday, December 1 in support of ‘Legitimacy and Sharia (Islamic Law)’.

Ghozlan Surprised at Church Withdrawal; Asserts Special Article for Copts in New Charter

Egypt Coptic Pope pulls Church representatives from constitution-writing panel, despite new special article, for first time in history, clearly detailing Christian entitlement to refer to own religious strictures.

Huda Ghaneya: Persistent Media Campaigns Spread Rumors about Status of Women in New Charter

Egyptian broadcast and print media relentlessly continue their dirty misinformation campaigns against Islamists, currently focusing on vilifying the Constitution-writing panel at every opportunity.

Beltagy: Constitution-Writing Committee Focuses Only on Serving Interests of Homeland

Although the USA’s latest constitution took over four years to write, Egypt Brotherhood’s Beltagy hopes the country’s national charter will be completed a lot sooner, if only political opponents stop

Al-Barr: World Constitutions Allow No Contradicting Articles, Egypt No Exception

Egypt’s charter-writing panel assures that it will not accept articles that contradict Sharia (Islamic Law), since that would undermine the main basis of the Constitution itself.

Beltagy: Egypt will Not Be Like Iran or Pakistan

Brotherhood leader Beltagy assures that Egypt will not apply Islamic Law (Sharia) in any way similar to Iran or Pakistan, and that the country’s new constitution guarantees the right of