

Egypt Opinion Leaders: Overthrow Attempts Against Democracy Aim to Delay Democratization

Leaders of opinion in Egypt denounce coup against legitimate, democratically elected institutions by the elite representing minority opposition who want to impose their will over the majority.

Rafiq Habib: Violence in Egypt Product of Secular-Old Guard Alliance

Coptic thinker Habib reiterates that the current wave of wanton violence, arson and destruction plaguing Egypt is the result of certain secular parties joining hands with former-regime loyalists and leftovers.

Muslim Brotherhood’s Ghozlan Statement on Shootings by Masked Men in Tahrir Square

Contrary to false media accusations blaming the Muslim Brotherhood for an incident earlier Tuesday where masked men shot Tahrir protesters, Ghozlan stresses Brotherhood would never engage in such violent crimes.

Islamists Organize Two Peaceful Million-Man Marches and Rallies to Support Legitimacy in Egypt

The Egyptian ‘Board of Trustees of The Revolution’, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist parties and movements take to liberation squares across Egypt Tuesday in a powerful show of support

Is There an Egyptian Nation?

The current protests aren't about the President Mohamed Morsi's power grab -- this fight is over something far more basic.

Muslim Brotherhood Statement: People Protect Legitimacy and Vote for New Constitution

Amid desperate and persistent attempts to keep Egypt in a permanent state of chaos and confusion, the Muslim Brotherhood and other patriotic pro-democracy parties and movements mobilize to defend the

Islamists Change Location for Saturday’s Legitimacy and Sharia Million-Man Rally to Cairo University

In yet another indication of their peaceful message and prudent approach, Egypt’s Islamist parties, groups and movements move their intended location for ‘Support Sharia (Islamic Law)’ demonstration and mass rally

Ghozlan Surprised at Church Withdrawal; Asserts Special Article for Copts in New Charter

Egypt Coptic Pope pulls Church representatives from constitution-writing panel, despite new special article, for first time in history, clearly detailing Christian entitlement to refer to own religious strictures.

Huda Ghaneya: Persistent Media Campaigns Spread Rumors about Status of Women in New Charter

Egyptian broadcast and print media relentlessly continue their dirty misinformation campaigns against Islamists, currently focusing on vilifying the Constitution-writing panel at every opportunity.

Beltagy: Constitution-Writing Committee Focuses Only on Serving Interests of Homeland

Although the USA’s latest constitution took over four years to write, Egypt Brotherhood’s Beltagy hopes the country’s national charter will be completed a lot sooner, if only political opponents stop