Israeli Entity


Turkey cancels water sales to Israel

Following the attacks on the Freedom Flotilla in which 9 Turkish citizens were killed, Turkey has decided to continue severing ties with Israel by canceling the agreement it signed in

Egypt’s political opposition organizes protest against massacre

The Muslim Brotherhood and the opposition political powers in Egypt call on all citizens to participate in the stand and condemn the massacre.

Muslim Brotherhood opinion on Egypt ‘s current situation

Muslim Brotherhood's regard to respecting advice necessitated by the divine law and obligations called on by national duty leads the group to recall on all who care.

MB demands resisting the IOA’s project

The Muslim Brotherhood has called for fighting against the IOA's project of destruction and humiliation.

Engineers call for enhancement of trade unions activities and independence

“Engineers against Sequestration” submitted a draft of the co-ordination committee of trade Unions activists which will be submitted next Tuesday.

More arrests in Ismalia among MB supporters

More than 2000 MB members from the Ismailia governorate rallied in support of the Palestinians and their fight to defend Al-Aqsa.

Egypt: Activists call for football match to be relocated from occupied Jerusalem

Activists have launched a campaign on the electronic website "Facebook" in protest to the Egyptian football team which has announced that it will engage in a football match in Occupied

Morsy calls on media to concentrate reports on Regime’s corruptions and scandals

Dr. Mohamed Morsi, Press Spokesman for the MB movement, extended his appreciation and thanks to the media and press who troubled themselves enough to report information on the recent incidents

MB’s Opinion:History has proven that IOF are the core of terrorism in the world

For as long as history has recorded Israel has always sought for another guilty party to point its terrorist finger at ; and for as long as history will record

Jordan: Anti- Normalization bodies call for annulling peace treaty with Israel.

A top anti-normalization Jordanian committee, grouping opposition parties and professional associations calls for the annulling of agreements.