Khaled Saed


US ambassador calls for justice in Khaled Saed incident

Ikhwanweb received reports concerning the Sidi Gaber Prosecution's stating that it will conduct a trial for the plainclothes policemen who were involved in the killing of Khaled Saed.

UN vows to bring torture perpetrators to justice

Niva Pillay the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights vowed that perpetrators must be brought to justice sooner or later, and that the amnesty laws will only provide them with

Investigations of human rights officials attacked during demonstrations

Human rights watch stated that authorities in Egypt must end their beatings and arbitrary arrests of peaceful demonstrators and hold accountable those responsible.

Egyptians unite in silent protest against police brutality and emergency law

An appeal on Facebook has harvested a positive response from over 11,000 people to take part in a silent protest in Cairo and Alexandria Friday.

Court in Egypt refuses Interior Ministry’s call to ban mobile phones in police stations

A court order in Egypt has overruled an appeal by the Interior ministry which had urged a ban be imposed on the entry of mobile phones in Police Stations.

Skeptism following forensic report clearing police from Khaled Saed’s murder charges

A three party committee headed by Chancellor Abdel Magid Mahmoud cleared police from the murder charge of Khaled Saed.

Egypt: Prosecute Police in Beating Death

Egyptian authorities should speedily investigate and bring charges against two plainclothes police officers who numerous witnesses say beat to death 28-year-old Khaled Said in Alexandria on June 6, 2010, Human

Mohamed ElBaradei joins Egyptian sit-in over police death case

Mohamed ElBaradei, the former head of the UN nuclear watchdog, joined about 4,000 Egyptians at a rare large-scale street protest today, in his most direct challenge to President Hosni Mubarak

Mohamed ElBaradei joins Egyptian sit-in over police death case

Mohamed ElBaradei, the former head of the UN nuclear watchdog, joined about 4,000 Egyptians at a rare large-scale street protest today, in his most direct challenge to President Hosni Mubarak

Alexandria: MB, ElBaradei and political activists protest against police brutality

The city of Alexandria witnessed thousands of protesters rallying after the Friday prayers condemning the pervasive police brutality which has come to be the Interior Ministry's only policy.