

Demonstration Monday in Solidarity with Egyptians Detained in UAE without Charges Or Trials

A special support committee organizes a demonstration outside the UAE embassy in Giza – to the west of the capital Cairo – to show solidarity with Egyptian detainees in the

Egypt’s New Year Resolution –

EGYPT is in turmoil, and many so-called experts have concluded that religion is the cause. It is not.

In Million-Man Marches Saturday, Rallies from Alex and Cairo to Assiut, People’s Revolutionary Will Shines

Massive, passionate, peaceful, dignified, unprecedented – are the ‘billion-man’ demonstrations comprising supporters of 48 different Egyptian political, social and revolutionary parties and movements on Saturday in support of Morsi’s decrees

Katatni Heads Delegation of Political Parties and Movements in Gaza Support Visit

A delegation of Egyptian politicians visits Gaza Monday headed by FJP Chairman Katatni to show support and solidarity with besieged Palestinian people being savagely attacked by Israeli forces from the

Democratic Experience for Copts and the Muslim Brotherhood

Whilst peoples just as liquids take the shape of environments in which they exist, prevailing culture – in spite of its reluctance to spontaneously change – can be reshaped by

My Meeting with President Morsi of Egypt Last Night

From years of global travel and engagement I’ve come to see the Kevin Costner line in “Dances with Wolves” proved out again and again, “What they say about these people

1000 Nominees for Egypt’s Constituent Assembly to Write New National Charter

Beltagy confirms that all sectors, classes and denominations of the Egyptian people will take part in the drafting of the new Constitution for modern, industrious, post-revolution Egypt.

Dr. Badie Interview with Freedom and Justice Newspaper – Wednesday, February 22

Dr. Badie believes Copts and all political parties and stakeholders in Egypt are partners in the one homeland, must respect democracy and the will of the people; and asserts that

Gov’t: Presidential Elections in Late May; Local Councils in July, August

Mohamed Ateyya, Egyptian Minister of People’s Assembly (PA) and Shura Council Affairs and Local Development, announced that the Presidential elections will take place late next May. Candidates would have 3

Civil Disobedience, Causes and Implications of Failure

Activists called for civil disobedience to coincide with the first anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, with a number of youth figures and movements announcing that civil disobedience is the only