
The coming Cairo autumn

Political openings in Egypt over the last 30 years have come in waves. Swelling and then retreating, they have had little permanence.

MB MP: We do not call for revolutions and believe only in peaceful change

In his statement to Ikhwanweb, Saleh ascertained that the MB does not believe in revolutions or violence, in fact they support only peaceful and legal channels for change to combat

MB and NAC’s online petition 7 demands for change, approaches 1, 000,000 signatures target

The number of signatures collected by the Muslim Brotherhood's online campaign "Seven demands for reform," launched by Chairman Dr. Mohamed Badie and adopted by Egypt's Opposition political powers, has so

Sobhi Saleh: MB participation in elections will expose vote-rigging

Prominent MB member, and a leading figure in its parliamentary bloc, attorney Sobhi Saleh Saleh stressed during a symposium on Saturday that the MB is planning on participating in the

MB students re-activate page on Facebook

Muslim Brotherhood students in Egypt announced the re-activating of their Facebook group established for communicating, interacting, explaining the approach of the MB, and responding to rumours.

MB and NAC to continue Anti-power inheritance protests

Assistant Secretary-General of the MB parliamentary bloc and a member of the National Association for Change Mohamed Al-Beltagy has stressed that the Brothers and the National Association for Change have

Mubarak promises integrity in upcoming elections‏

Egypt's President, Mubarak, has promised integrity in the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled to take place in November.

Waiting for the Brothers

The Muslim Brotherhood may be readying itself to contest November's parliamentary elections but it has yet to announce its intentions.

MB: No official statement has been given concerning elections

The Muslim Brotherhood's media spokesman Dr. Mohamed Morsy denied allegations in the media that the group has made a final decision concerning the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Gamal Mubarak and the Discord in Egypt’s Ruling Elite

Whether Gamal Mubarak will be the ruling National Democratic Party’s (NDP) candidate in the 2011 presidential election is one of the most discussed questions in Egypt today.