
Could Egypt’s election lead to a dynastic succession?

Doubts have been raised about Egypt's 82-year-old president's health and whether he will be fit enough to stand for re-election in 2011. Various factions might hope to step into any

Gamal Mubarak and the Discord in Egypt’s Ruling Elite

Whether Gamal Mubarak will be the ruling National Democratic Party’s (NDP) candidate in the 2011 presidential election is one of the most discussed questions in Egypt today.

The Wrong Threat

The misnamed "Ground-Zero Mosque" debate continues with verbal religious attacks from all sides. Responding to claims that Political Islam is the new communism, Zachary Karabell offers a pre-9/11 American view

Erdogan and the future of… Egypt

Egypt, like Turkey, is a large and important country. Culturally Egypt is by far the most important Arab state and significantly, the Muslim Brotherhood has its origins there. Quite a

Egypt: Security detains activist involved in ElBaradei campaign

Cairo's institute for human rights studies in a statement asserted that Sources claimed that eyewitnesses saw activist Amr Salah seized outside his home and pushed into a vehicle with dark

Parliamentarians and human rights activists demand gov’t to end facebook monitoring

In a recently published comment, Dr. Hamdi Hassan from the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc stressed that the Egyptian Ministry of Interior's recently stepped up monitoring of the popular web site

MB rejects allegations it’s downplaying significance of Islamic ethics and teachings

The MB refutes the claims and wishes to state in the strongest possible terms that just as it is firmly committed to condemning any dictatorial, corrupt and oppressive action it

Opposition demand President order integrity in poll

Various political opposition parties and human rights organizations agreed on the signing of a petition sent to President Hosni Mubarak calling for integrity in the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections.

Egypt: Campaign supporting intelligence’s chief for president

Amid a fevered atmosphere, of controversy and anticipation concerning Egypt's approaching presidential elections a strange campaign has sprung up to nominate Egypt's head of intelligence General Omar Suleiman to run

Ikhwanweb: Freedom and democracy are more important than Laila ElBaradei’s bikini

Today, rumor and gossip feed a press and public hungry for scandalous tales. Shedding light on this thought is the emergence of a new campaign initiated by an anonymous individual