MB Youth


Muslim Brotherhood Youth Launch “Ikhwan Cinema” on Facebook

A group of young Muslim Brotherhood members launched an entertainment page on the social networking site Facebook titled Ikhwan Cinema, rocketing to almost 9000 fans, and intending to relay the

MB media spokesman denies Executive Bureau members will partake in Youths’ Conference Saturday

Muslim Brotherhood media spokesman Dr. Mohamed Morsy, denied rumours that members of the Executive Bureau would partake in a conference.

Saturday: MB Youth to organize conference on group’s future

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood youth in association with prominent leaders organize their first conference on Saturday in a luxury hotel in Dokki, Cairo to discuss some issues related to the group

MB Students Launch YES Campaign in Alexandria University

Alexandria’s University launched a campaign titled “Yes” calling people to participate in the referendum of the constitutional amendments scheduled for Saturday March 19.

The New Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Brotherhood, in its current form, will not run in the coming elections. It is forming a new “Freedom and Justice Party,” which will be administratively separate from the Brotherhood,

SCAF Decided on the Transfer of Authority and Presidential Election in August

The Supreme Council for the Armed Forces (SCAF) has decided on a deadline to achieve the demands of the political powers and the coalition of the youth of 25 January’s

Committee announces rerun of student union after its dissolution

In conformity with the January 25 principles to instil transparency and justice Ahmed Gamal Eldin Mousa newly appointed education minister, has confirmed that The Egyptian Higher Council of Universities dissolved

Al Katatni: MB First Called for Establishment of a Civil State

The Muslim Brotherhood's media spokesman Mohamed Saad el-Katatni has noted that Facebook's call to organize the January 25 mass rallies that coincided with National Police Day took place because of

Egyptian Journalist Hails Role of MB Youth in January 25 Revolution

Under the title "Protesters in Bloody Wednesday clashes in Cairo's Tahrir Square would have been slain but for the fact that young Muslim Brothers defended them", Journalist Bara al-Khatib in

Egypt’s Day of Rage a Day of Revolution

The Day of Rage protest scheduled for today January 25th has been dubbed as a day of revolution as Egypt's ruling regime is preparing itself for one of the biggest