Military Courts


ANHRI Annual Report: Human Rights Situation in Egypt in Steep Decline

 The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) issued its annual report on the democratic process in Egypt in 2017, which it described as "steep decline". The Network said: "The

13 Egyptian Rights Organizations Call on UN to Stop Death Sentences by Sisi regime

 In an address to the United Nations, 13 Egyptian human rights organizations called for immediate intervention to stop the Egyptian government from carrying out the death sentences issued by El

Rights Group: Military Regime Killed 571 Political Opponents in 2017

 The Egyptian Coordination Committee for Rights and Freedoms confirmed that the military regime, headed by General Abdel Fattah El Sisi, had killed 571 of its opponents in 2017, of which

Rights Group: 50 Death-Penalty Cases Hound Dissidents Since July 3 Coup in Egypt

 The first seven months of 2017 witnessed 15 court cases of executions, including six in which death sentences were pronounced or referred to the Mufti for first approval, and 9

More Executions by Unjust Judicial System

The #StopExecutions (#إعدام_إنسان) campaign monitors death sentences issued by the judicial authority in Egypt, and endeavors to stop executions in the current turbulent political stage, especially those ordered by the

Rights NGOs, Families Conference Condemns Military Death Sentences for Political Prisoners

In a special conference Wednesday, rights organizations and families of political detainees denounce death sentences meted out by the junta's military courts to civilian dissidents, in violation of all relevant

Muslim Brotherhood: Serious Peaceful Action Will Save Egypt’s Women from Coup Regime Oppression

 Criminal Coup authorities were not to miss the chance to celebrate International Women’s Day in their own way. Since the July 2013 coup against legitimacy, women became one of the

Human Rights Organization’s Damning Report on Violations, Atrocities in Egypt During 2015

UK-Based rights organization AOHR's annual report condemns the military coup regime in Egypt for its relentless war on all opponents, killing and maiming children, old people, men and women without

ERC: Egypt’s Violations Against Women

Wednesday, November 25, 2015 Press statement

Al-Shater Health Deteriorates in Notorious Aqrab Prison; Medical Care Banned

Muslim Brotherhood deputy leader Khairat Al-Shater, currently held on political trumped-up charges at the harsh Aqrab Prison, suffers solitary confinement as his health fails in total absence of medical care.