Military Courts


Trip Report by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter to Egypt

The primary purpose of my trip was to join 40 other Carter Center election observers who have been deployed in Egypt since late November. Additionally, I wished to consult with

Beltagy Welcomes Decree Canceling 90 Military Sentences, Calls for Ending Military Tribunals for Civilians

Dr. Mohamed Beltagy, Executive Bureau member of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) welcomed the decision by Field Marshal Tantawi to cancel prison sentences against 90 civilians by military courts.

MB Chairman: Egypt Needs National Consensus

Dr. Mohamed Badie, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), stressed that Egypt now needs a consensus president, and reiterated that the MB is committed not to run for the presidency.

Seizing a Historic Opportunity to End Torture in the Middle East and North Africa: Ten

Geneva, 10 December 2011. On the occasion of the UN Human Rights Day, the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) and fourteen partner organisations from eight countries in the Middle East

MB Professors Against Military Trials for Civilians

Muslim Brotherhood professors in the "Academics for Reform" movement emphasized that it is imperative that the military ends its military trials for political activists and civilians. It stated in a

البلتاجي : سواء اتفقنا مع مايكل نبيل او اختلفنا الا اننا نطالب بحريته

In solidarity with Maikel Nabil and the thousands of civilians who have been tried and jailed by military courts, we decided to publish latest Arabic statement by Dr. Mohamed el

WP: Delayed Democracy is the Real Threat In Egypt

Is Egypt imploding? A lot of people in Washington seem to think so, though they are talking about it quietly so far. Their fears are specific: that the Muslim Brotherhood

HRW: Retry or Free 12,000 After Unfair Military Trials In Egypt

(New York) – Since it took over patrolling the streets from the police on January 28, 2011, Egypt’s military has arrested almost 12,000 civilians and brought them before military tribunals,

MB Welcomes Halt of Military Trials for Two Activists

Vice Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood Mahmoud Ezzat welcomed the military court's dropping of charges against Asmaa Mahfouz and Loay Nagaty, the two revolutionary activists who were charged with criticizing

MB to Recover Money Confiscated by Former Regime

Top Muslim Brotherhood lawyer Abdul-Moneim Abdul-Maqsoud, stated that the group’s defence lawyers had earlier submitted appeals to recover the confiscated money which belonged to the dozens of innocent MB members