Military Trials


Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Events of the First Anniversary of the January 2011 Revolution

The first anniversary of the great Egyptian people’s Revolution witnessed a country living through a precarious transitional period. Some achievements have been made, such as: ousting of the head of

MB Professors Against Military Trials for Civilians

Muslim Brotherhood professors in the "Academics for Reform" movement emphasized that it is imperative that the military ends its military trials for political activists and civilians. It stated in a

FJP Rejects Selmi’s Initiatives , Warns of Heightened Political Polarization Ahead of Elections

After five full hours, Tuesday’s conference for the declaration of the basic principles of the Constitution of the modern Egyptian state came to an end. Dr. Ali Selmi, Deputy Prime

Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Military Trials for Egyptian Activists

Khairat El Shater, Vice-Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, condemned the trial of two activists before a military court on Sunday, and called for the immediate repealing of military trials for

البلتاجي : سواء اتفقنا مع مايكل نبيل او اختلفنا الا اننا نطالب بحريته

In solidarity with Maikel Nabil and the thousands of civilians who have been tried and jailed by military courts, we decided to publish latest Arabic statement by Dr. Mohamed el

Three Big Challenges Threatening the Arab Uprisings

With the fall of Muammar Qaddafi’s headquarters in Bab Al-Aziziyyah in Tripoli on August 23, Libya became the third country to oust its long-serving dictator after the fall of Tunisia’s

HRW: Retry or Free 12,000 After Unfair Military Trials In Egypt

(New York) – Since it took over patrolling the streets from the police on January 28, 2011, Egypt’s military has arrested almost 12,000 civilians and brought them before military tribunals,

MB Denies Secret Meetings With SCAF Chief

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) described media speculations about secret meetings and coordination with the military junta as "pure lies and imagination" promoted by the group's opponents who have previously accused

Activists Launch E-Protests Against Military Trials for Civilians

Egyptian activists launched a Facebook campaign with the title "No to the military tribunals for civilians," where they agreed to post their slogan for an hour-long "electronic demonstration" last Saturday