

Egyptian Revolutionary Council: 500 Days Since Rabaa, Nahda Massacres Executed by Junta Forces

500 days after the worst massacre in Egypt's history, Egypt's Revolutionary Council issues a statement vowing to defeat military junta repression and inhuman brutality.

Egypt Revolution – 18 Days in Tahrir, 18 Months in All Liberty Squares

In 18 months, the mad military junta executed more than 10 massacres, arbitrarily arrested and detained more than 41 thousand protesters, raided the homes of thousands, chased and persecuted thousands

Muslim Brotherhood Statement to Egyptian People

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood issues a statement reiterating its position with regard to the coup, the military junta and reconciliation initiatives.

200-Day Hunger Strike by Doctor Yamani Ignored by Coup Authorities

A medical doctor faces death, following arbitrary arrest and detention with no charges, amid complete coup authority neglect.

Egypt National Alliance Statement Slams Coup Commander Al-Sisi UN Visit

Pro-legitimacy coalition of anti-coup groups and parties criticizes UN for accepting a known murderer and illegitimate coup commander in sessions.

Journalists For Reform: Arming Revolution Rejected

Muslim Brotherhood journalist movement praises peaceful progress of the January 25 Revolution, and denounces calls to armed resistance.

Amr Darrag: Rabaa Massacre Decision Al-Sisi Responsibility

Refuting military-controlled media lies, Dr. Amr Darrag asserts decision to use murderous maximum force and unrestrained violence could not have been taken without coup leader Al-Sisi's full agreement.

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Rejects All Violence; Military Junta Invents Security Incidents, Groups

The Brotherhood hails peaceful defiance activity and vows to persist and persevere until victory over the fascist junta's brutal repression.

Anti-Coup National Alliance in Matareya and Ain-Shams: Retribution Will Be Done

With the West turning a blind eye, and certain Arab states supporting the military junta's brutal repression of an entire population, coup security forces act with impunity, killing more and

Pro-Democracy Alliance Calls Nationwide Protests on Rabaa Massacre First Anniversary

The broad-based anti-coup coalition calls Egyptians to a fourth revolutionary wave on the first anniversary of the bloody break-up of the Rabaa peaceful protest sit-in on August 14.