

Message from Prisoners of Wadi Natrun Jail about their Total Food Strike

Political prisoners and peaceful protesters detained in the notorious Wadi Natrun junta jail, to the north of Cairo, sent an open letter to all Egyptians.

International Legal Team to Present Initial Findings of Crimes Against Humanity Perpetrated by Egyptian Regime

Below is a statement from the legal team: Members of the press are invited to attend a press conference to be held at 12 noon on Saturday 16th November 2013

Anti-Coup National Alliance Demands Military Coup Commanders, Collaborators Stop Bloodshed

Egypt’s coalition of parties, groups and movements opposed to the traitorous coup condemns cold-blooded shoot-to-kill policy of coup forces against unarmed Egyptians in peaceful protest marches.

Anti-Coup Alliance Reaffirms Tahrir ‘Revolution Capital Cairo’ Million-Man March Sunday

Egypt’s pro-democracy coalition of anti-coup parties and movements calls Egyptians to huge non-violent protest marches to Tahrir Square Sunday, October 6.

Break the Will: Coup and Revolution Strategies

In order for the sweeping second wave of the January 25 (2011) Revolution to succeed in crushing the traitorous coup, it must build strong free popular will that accepts difference

Egypt’s Anti-Coup Alliance Statement: A Month Passes Since Rabaa and Nahda Massacres

Cairo – September 16, 2013: A month after their security apparatus massacred peaceful protesters in a violent and vengeful crackdown on Rabaa and Al-Nahda vigils, the loathsome putschists are still

A Statement from Rabaa Detainees Protests Rights Violations, Hostage-Like Treatment

A statement from Rabaa and Nahda squares detainees, sent Thursday (September 12) from inside a prison in Egypt, describes illegal and inhuman detention conditions, and condemns the silence of Egyptian

Egypt Anti-Coup National Alliance Calls “Loyalty to Martyrs Blood” Peaceful Protest Week

Egypt’s coalition of parties and groups opposed to the coup calls on all Egyptians to join a "Loyalty to Martyrs Blood" week of pro-democracy peaceful protest, starting Friday.

Egypt’s Anti-Coup Alliance Calls “People Protect Revolution” Friday September 6

In a statement earlier Thursday, the coalition of coup opponents in Egypt urged all citizens to mass for ‘The people protect the Revolution’ Friday tomorrow.

Marking 60 Days Since the Bloody Military Coup

Sixty days of brutal, bloody coup have sent Egypt back to the dark pre-revolution days of military madness and police repression, killed innocent unarmed citizens, and ruined the economy.