

Mahathir Mohamed: Postrevolution Egypt Changing Fast; People Must Unite for Real Renaissance

Malaysia’s former PM advises Egyptians keen on learning lessons of success to shun violence, pull together for progress, and do their patriotic duties just as they demand their freedoms and

Freedom and Justice Party Receives Mahathir Mohamed in Renaissance Experiences Conference

Former Malaysian PM visits Egypt to participate Sunday in an FJP’s conference on rejuvenation and development, or Nahda, as already experienced in Malaysia.

Ennahdha Sidibouzid Regional Branch Statement on 17 December Revolution Anniversary

In commemoration of the second anniversary of the 17th December revolution, the spark that lit the Arab Spring,

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Unfolding Conspiracy Against January 25 Revolution

Egypt’s Brotherhood statement about the organized chaos aimed at aborting the people’s revolution, violently and viciously targeting Islamists, without a thought to homeland stability, Egyptian sovereignty or the rule of

Freedom and Justice Leader Condemns Hospital Closures, Death of Central Cairo Patients

A large number of Egyptian patients die, with Cairo’s main hospitals closed, following thug attacks on emergency department receptions, as security personnel fail to show up.

Interview with Asem Shalaby, First Chairman of Egyptian Publishers Association Affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood

Interview with Asem Shalaby, the newly-elected President of the Egyptian Publishers Association (EPA), who took the job after the January 25 revolution.

Muslim Brotherhood Statement 2 in Response to General Shafiq’s Allegations, Black Propaganda

Contrary to General Shafiq’s fabricated fantasies and fables, Dr. Morsi’s electoral program illustrates a great vision for the Suez Canal and the whole region surrounding it, promising tremendous development, advancement

Egyptian Community in France Holds Morsi Support Conference

Egyptian communities abroad organize various rallies, conferences and other events in support of Brotherhood candidate Dr. Morsi’s presidential bid for Egypt’s top post.

Gouda: Brotherhood’s Nahda Project Will Uplift Egypt in Four Years

Overhauling the security system and the Egyptian economy, assures FJP expert Gouda, is not only possible, but of great importance and consequence for long term rejuvenation, success and prosperity.

Alexandria Welcomes Brotherhood and FJP Presidential Candidate

Presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi meets with Egyptian Salafist Da’wa (outreach) leading sheikhs, 800 businessmen and entrepreneurs, and 20,000 Egyptian citizens in a popular conference held in Alexandria as part of