

Israel’s racial courts: the imprisonment of human rights defender Nuri al-Oqbi

Nasser Rego views the case of Palestinian civil liberties activist Nuri al-Oqbi to highlight the racist underpinnings of the Israeli judicial system and draw attention to the use of the

IOA using prisoners as medical guinea pigs

Former prisoner and expert on prisoners' affairs Abdulnasser Farwana has said that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) was performing more than 5,000 experimental drug tests on Palestinian prisoners per annum.

“GOD-TV” evangelical Christian channel funds Israeli ethnic cleansing

Neve Gordon looks at how an evangelical Christian TV channel with a viewership of nearly half a billion people, including 20 million in the USA and 14 million in Britain,

Tensions rise in Ramon prison after guard insults Allah

The supreme prisoners rights committee in Gaza said a tense atmosphere has prevailed over the Israeli Ramon prison for the past five days after a prison guard insulted Allah.

Israel to establish 11 new villages in Negev

The Israeli housing ministry announced a new scheme to judaize the Negev, south of Palestine occupied in 1948, that envisages establishing 11 new villages in the area from Beersheba to

Prisoner committee appeals for allowing doctors to visit patient in Israeli jail

The Palestinian prisoner committee appealed to all concerned organizations to pressure Israel to allow a specialist doctor to have access to patient Munir Hussein who lost his ability to walk

Who are the real prisoners?

When I asked in my previous article, "Until when this conspiracy of silence?" concerning more than eleven thousand Palestinian prisoners kidnapped from their homes by Israeli intelligence officers, and suffering

Committing perjury is all in a day’s work for Israel’s chief military advocate-general

Richard Lightbown considers the obfuscations and downright lies of Israeli Chief Military Advocate-General Avichai Mandelblit, one of the main witnesses before the Turkel Commission, set up by the Israeli government

Israeli troops continue onslaught against West Bank homes

Israeli bulldozers backed by police and special forces stormed Tuesday morning two south Negev towns unrecognized by the Israeli government, razing two houses.

Middle East loses trillions as US strikes record arms deals

Rick Rozoff views the United States’ growing arms exports to Middle East countries, which will spend an estimated 100 billion dollars on arms from the US by 2014, and the