North Africa


Freedom and Justice Party Takes Part in Carnegie Endowment For Peace Conference

FJP debut in the U.S.A kicks off a world-wide public relations campaign to forge new ties between Egypt and several other countries, based on mutual respect and understanding.

MENA issues statement from human rights defenders in the region

As human rights defenders (HRDs) from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, we declare our full solidarity with the courageous human rights defender in Bahrain and elsewhere, Mr.

Arab Revolutions for Reform and the Demise of al Qaeda Ideology

In a recorded message, Ayman al Zawahri, deputy leader of Al-Qaeda, called on Muslims in North Africa to fight NATO forces in Libya, and accused the US of supporting former

Middle East Uprisings Make Oil Industry Erratic

With the civilized countries of the world applauding the gumption and insight surrounding the uprisings taking place around the Middle East , the oil industry is mainly concerned with the

MB calls on Arab League to intervene in Libya

A prominent member of the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood’s Executive Bureau has called on the Arab League and Arab countries to intervene in Libya to end the crisis, but warns the

Scholars issue decree banning self immolation

Since Tunis's uprise wide reports have revealed that at least 10 protesting citizens from North Africa most from Egypt have engaged in self-immolation in protest to unemployment and escalating food

Will Smith’s Last Pharaoh vs. Egypt’s History by Hollywood

Will Smith's latest project, The Last Pharaoh, is expected to be a mega action movie that will be seen by millions around the globe. Smith sits on the top of

US expert: Cairo-Washington economic relations suffer due to politics, human rights

An American expert in economics warned that American and Egyptian economic relations pay a hefty price because of the tensions that mar the relationship between Cairo and Washington.

Solar power has great potentional in MENA

Middle Eastern and North African nations (MENA) have three times more potential in developing solar power than the current world’s capacity, a report in the Khaleej Times reported.

Egyptian Military Court of Appeals fails to rectify injustice

Amnesty International condemns the failure of Egypt's military appeals court to overturn sentences imposed on leading members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood organization after unfair trials and calls on the